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The Last Thing You Need to Know with Finding Fuck Friends

The Last Thing You Need to Know with Finding Fuck Friends

The interesting thing about having a steady sex partner is that a lot of guys experience them in college. Do you remember hanging out at your dorm and there seems to be these chicks who just love hanging out with you? She gives you all sorts of excuses to hang out with you. Maybe she says, “let’s hang out at the library.” Maybe she lends you her books, she maybe even lends you her supplies. She just wants to be around you.

However, when you look at her, you’re not necessarily physically attracted. It is not that she’s ugly. It’s not that she has a third eye growing out of her head or she has two heads or she’s a hunchback. It has nothing to do with that. Instead, it has everything to do with familiarity.

If you’re very familiar with somebody, you start treating them like members of your family, and the last thing that you want, if you’re a normal person, is to screw members of your family. So what happens is that due to familiarity, you become just really, really close friends.

However, just like the life cycle of any typical friendship, there are certain stresses and strains that may lead to all sorts of sexual tension and this is when the problem happens. And let me tell you, the last thing that you need to know with a fuck buddy is that you stand to lose a lot.

I know that’s not a popular opinion because this is supposed to be a sexy blog post. This is supposed to turn you on to the whole concept of fuckbuddies. But if you already have a real friend who basically would sacrifice her right arm just to help you out, cherish that friendship because it’s very rare.

If you really insist on having a fuckfriend, develop friends just for that. This way, when you compartmentalize those people and they compartmentalize you, it’s a win-win situation.

The last thing that you want is to turn a real friend, and this is a person who would take a bullet for you, and try to turn her into a fuckfriend. And if things go south and it becomes awkward really quickly, you lose a friend. You lose somebody that is worth 1 billion sex buddy. So you do yourself a big favour and focus on what’s real. Focus on what truly counts

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